Maria Konovalenko: My whole life is devoted to fighting death

The most significant event in a person’s life is death. It changes everything. More precisely, it takes everything that a person had. If he was in love, he no longer is. If he was aspiring to pleasures, there will be none any longer. The world will be gone for the person. Every single neuron will disappear that was responsible for the wishes, desires, and feelings. We don’t realize this, but everything single thing we accomplish, we do so looking in the face of inevitable death. Death takes away the sense of a person’s life.
That little human being that you were once, who looked at the world with eyes wide open, got surprised, laughed, sometimes cried, this human being will cease to exist. Will disappear. Forever.
Death is the triumph of unfairness. It is bloodcurdling that everybody will die. Kids, olds people, adults, women, men. Every person’s life is a tragedy, because it ends bad every time.
Death is so horrible that a man denies the very fact of its existence to protect himself. He simply doesn’t think he is mortal or comes up with a unproven theory that there is no death whatsoever.
The inevitability of death is defined by the fact people age. Therefore, the most rational behavior will be to study aging, and to try to slow it down and stop.
In this picture I am standing in the middle of the hall in the institute where aging will be defeated. When? When there is enough funding. When there are large-scale scientific projects. When a lot of people understand that aging has to be eliminated without proposing any additional requirements. For now the majority of wealthy people approach developing a cure for aging as another investment project.
The desire to make money on defeating death is laughable. It’s the same as when death comes to beg it to come later, and when it asks: “On what conditions?” to answer: “I’d like to make money on it”.
My whole life is devoted to fighting death. I have a very good plan. I only have to implement it.

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